All change…again – new jobs – Cathedral, Library, University.

At the end of March, I changed jobs again.  It’s all part of the “master plan” about having more flexibility, less responsibility and working locally.  The “less responsibility” criteria is much more complicated than I expected, for different reasons than I had anticipated, so I’ll leave that to one side for now.  

I had been working at Newcastle University Library from November 2021 and I enjoyed the job.  It was in my comfort zone definitely as I’ve lots of experience working in an academic library but now, we are settled living in Durham, I was looking for jobs based in Durham preferably in walking distance.  

A job came up at Durham Cathedral working as a Visitor Experience Assistant, so I applied for it and was successful.  It is very much customer service /front line focused dealing face to face with visitors to the Cathedral.  The work involves the Visitor Desk, the museum, the shop and general areas.  The location, obviously, is unique and beautiful. The cathedral is 15minutes walk from where I live so very convenient especially for shorter shifts.  

Another job that I have undertaken is as a Casual Library Assistant with Durham County Council Libraries.  This is based round being part of a casual pool or bank of staff and when cover is needed then you are contacted to see if you’re available.  There is no obligation on either side to offer work or accept it although obviously the understanding is that you’re interested in work and there is some to offer.  The main library, Durham Clayport, is only 10 minute’s walk from home so very convenient.  I have done a few shifts there now and really enjoy it.  I’ve also worked at some branch libraries e.g. Langley Park, Bowburn.

During May, I’ve worked as an Invigilator at Durham University. It is a casual staff contract and in March/April you are sent dates asking for your availability during May.  You then commit to sessions/dates.  Some of the invigilating is in large venues such as the maiden Castle Sports Centre and some sessions are in smaller venues either classrooms or computer rooms.  The work involves setting up the desks with the appropriate cards and papers, monitoring students during the exam and collecting papers at the end.  

So, the current situation ticks the boxes for flexibility and location / walking to work.  It still leaves me time for my own work i.e. my online bookshop, Cracabond Books,  which was one of the main drivers for change.  I’ll review the situation as I go along and see what works for me and what I need to change.  The “master plan” is still in place but it will be interesting to see what is achievable and what works for me as a work/life balance.  

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